This week, my poetry pamphlet was finalised and sent off to the printers. It’s been an exciting process and it seems strange that soon I’ll be able to hold the last few months’ work in my hands! My mentor, Maria Taylor, was huge help, identifying themes she saw running through my poems, and pointing out when lines seemed too forced or untrue. Then there was the choosing and ordering. Which poems worked better together? Should the pamphlet be divided into sections? I took poems out, put them back in, cut lines, changed titles, obsessed over single words.
Early on, we were told that the cover designs would be patterned as opposed to plain, as many contemporary pamphlets are. I was put in contact with the designers Helen Walsh, and we discussed our initial ideas. I suggested, a bit vaguely, that I thought the sea or birds would make an interesting motif. Helen took my ideas and came back with a beautiful wave design, bordered like a photograph to reflect my title, “Someone Else’s Photograph.” The six covers for the individual pamphlets look lovely together, really like a set. They will be launched at the Cultural Exchanges Festival at De Montford University on Friday 2nd March, and are currently available for preorder through paypal. See the Crystal Clear Creators site for details: